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Compiling RuneQuake
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Author:  Mezmorki [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Compiling RuneQuake

I'm trying to compile the RuneQuake source for normal netplay. I put the Frikqcc compilier into the src folder and when I run it I get the following errors:

I get errors in the defs.qc with: "IN_QW" is not a type AND also "IN_POQ" is not a type.

How do I resolve that?

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compiling RuneQuake

The src directory builds the poq and qw directories. You'll need a linux environment to compile that folder. Instead, drop the compiler in either poq (netquake) or qw (quakeworld), depending on your desired flavor. Keep in mind you can only use qccx and frikc 2.5. Both are available here:

If you're downloading the source from github, it will only contain the src folder. As I mentioned previously, I can provide you with a compiled zip that contains all the poq and qw built already.

Author:  Mezmorki [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compiling RuneQuake

Ahh. So if I'm only planning on doing netquake then do all my qc edits in the poq folder and just compile that? Can I even delete the other folders without issue?


Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compiling RuneQuake

Mezmorki wrote:
Ahh. So if I'm only planning on doing netquake then do all my qc edits in the poq folder and just compile that? Can I even delete the other folders without issue?


Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compiling RuneQuake

If you modified a file in the src folder and want to preserve it, check to see if there is a "IN_POQ" or "IN_QW". If not, you can overwrite the file into your POQ directory (from src). You could also remove any code surrounded by "IN_QW" (along with itself) and remove only the "IN_POQ" brackets. Although as I type this it sounds more confusing, so just ignore it if this sounds too complicated. :D

Let me provide an example. Assuming you modified the src directory. Take the file settings.qc as an example. There are only two lines of code to modify (lines 89, 549):
string FORWARD_DEST      = IN_POQ("", "");
float SUCK_FORCE      = IN_QW(0.35, 0.25);

You could make this change,

string FORWARD_DEST      = "";
float SUCK_FORCE      = 0.25;

Save the file, then drop it into your poq directory and compile and that will work. If you haven't made that many changes, then it's probably just easier to modify the file in the poq folder, but in the event you made a bunch of changes and don't feel like going through each one, follow this method.

Author:  Mezmorki [ Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compiling RuneQuake

Good to know. I think I've only modified settings.qc so far.

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